EdibleSpirit Fall Equinox Ritual and Follow Up

Thanks for tuning into the EdibleSpirit Fall Equinox Ritual and Live Stream!

If you haven't watched the video of the ritual you can find it at facebook.com/ediblespirit.

Below you will find the templates for follow up - which explains what to do with the colors and body parts you saw. When you get to the part about step 1, 2, 3, if you have no idea what to do, just keep filling in the blanks and come back to them. Once you swap out the body parts and colors for their associated metaphysical meanings, it should all be clearer.  BUT DO COME BACK TO the 3 steps, because the whole point of this ritual (beyond honoring the equinox) is to give you some steps that will take you beyond yourself, without sacrificing the care of your own vessel. In fact we are trying to connect the care of your vessel to THE CARE OF OUR SHARED VESSEL aka THE EARTH OUR SHARED BODY. The first three steps which you come up with are to figure out what you need, and then come up with a way to give that to yourself. The next three steps are about how to carry that over into the world. The miracle is that the WORLD needs exactly what you need. So we encourage you to come up with 3 steps to give that same healing you have collaborated on with your artist higher self to the world.

You don't have to do this perfectly. Wear it like a loose (but FABULOUS) garment. The ritual is already DONE. So you don't actually have to do anything else. But the journey you went on is designed to give you guidance as to the actions that will heal your body and how to carry those actions over into the world. 


-what part of your body drew you to it specifically. What caught your attention?

What color was associated with it?

Remember that this is what your higher self wanted to give to this body part.


I commit myself to caring for my _________(This body part)___________

I will use an approach which integrates ________(this color)_______

Plug in the body part and the color associated with it, and then experiment with swapping out the meanings of the colors and body parts. This may be a literal representation of what your body needs, or it may be metaphorical. Think about what the body part does, and why it needed this color and its associated meanings. 


I promise to take these 3 steps to care for myself in this area of my experience.


Remembering that these are practical actions you can take to care for your physical body (or the associated area of your experience) using the medicine of the color which you saw on that body part.

NOW, remembering - Which GENERAL AREA of your body drew you to it specifically? The lower body (from toes to hips), the middle body (from hips to heart), the upper body (from heart to crown and beyond).

Here are the associations with those areas 

lower body = hands on practical changes changes occur Physical plane
middle body - facilitating changes by problem solving, holding spaces, or creating forums
upper body - BEING the change you want to see - following intuition/synchronicity/guidance (usually requires requires a combination of facilitation, space holding and practical action, but all in service of being or intuition)


I commit my BODY to service in the area of ______________
(LOWER BODY=practical changes, MIDDLE=solving problems or facilitating solutions/ holding spaces, creating forums, UPPER=being the change i want to see in the world/following intuition and guidance)

Using an approach which integrates _______(the color of the jewel from your higher self)______


I promise to take the following three steps to cultivate balance - to fight injustice - to right what I perceive to be wrong In the world and the global body. These steps should integrate the manner in which you are inclined to cause change as represented by the area of the body, infused with the qualities associated with the COLOR of the jewel given to you by your higher self. 

NOW GO BACK and play around, swapping out the colors for the words associated with those colors. Swap out the area of the body for the field of change (practical action/facilitation/embodiment in being). Play with these until they make sense to you. 

And remember you don't have to do EVERYTHING, or even THE THING, but you do have to do SOMETHING, unless you actually LIKE the general state of the world we're in. I LOVE the world, but I don't like it. I think we can do better, and I hope this helps with that in some way.

All love,

Here is the list of colors and and their associated metaphysical meanings meanings.

Metaphysical Meanings of Colors (compiled from my teacher Gail Thackray, and various online resources)

Black – Messages that you’ve been curious about are going to make sense; tension; injury/illness; dysfunction.

Blue – Communication, counseling, listening, clairaudience.

Brown – Nature, animals, grounding, practical, down to earth.

Gold – Spiritual/Financial abundance; regal, positive energies are all around you, happiness, surprises regarding your path, a color of the high celestial planes.

Gray – Businesslike, organized, busy, cloudy, sludgy, stuck or stagnant energy. Neutral, but mildly shrouded or confused.

Green – Healing, compassion, prosperity with ideas, working with people, empathy.

Indigo – Clear insight, visions, prophecy, intuition is very strong, high guides are around you, spirituality, understanding, clairvoyance

Orange – Passion, new friendships, acquaintances, or business ventures, understanding yourself, your relationship to yourself, facing fears, courage.

Pink – Important friendships or relationships, people drawn to you for comfort and love, unconditional love, healing energy, soul purpose energy, spiritual guidance.

Red – Power, strength, survival, new beginnings, grounding, empowerment, strong emotions.

Silver – Trustworthy, past-life information, feeling off balance due to spiritual development, and changes, continue moving forward, have patience

Turquoise – Travel, sharing your talents and gifts, teaching

Violet/Purple – True wisdom, meditation, astral travel, enlightenment, claircognizance.

White – Purity, innocence, clarity, newness, integration, balance.

Yellow – Wisdom, power, drive, accelerated learning, teaching, mentoring, sharing wisdom, mental processing, clairsentience


Approaching the Leo Full Moon - Wed. 1/31 at 5:26am PST
