Capricorn New Moon Transmission 1.2.22


For the New Moon in Capricorn on Jan. 2, 2022 at 1:33pm ET

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We are trying something new this new year: including the list of affirmations associated with the astrological alignments of the month!

See which ones hit you the most and use as needed… but we also recommend five minutes a day just meditating on the affirmation in your mind, and repeating it out loud as you wish (synchronizing with breath if you like?!?). Check out the video for a full description of where these affirmations come from and how you can use them!


I AM steadily approaching the horizon before me.
I AM pursuing my goals as my authentic Self.
I AM accepting what’s changed, and continuing towards my goals.
I AM confronting difficult lessons and accomplishing goals with integrity.
I AM growing as I accept my challenges and embrace my purpose.
WE ARE GROWING as we accept our challenges and embrace our Purpose


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