EdibleSpirit Session

30min - $195
60min - $295

The classic EdibleSpirit Session is a channeled empathic reading which attends to the alignment between your self and your soul. Clients can ask questions or just open up and see what comes through. The intention is to support balance in the bodies, to illuminate and empower your psychic gifts and spiritual superpowers, and to offer insight into how to align your present day existence with your infinite and eternal truth. We use the EdibleSpirit Template to document the session and provide insight into practices to support development and follow up. Sessions can be done over phone/skype/facetime, or in person.


Elemental Balancing

75 mins

This energetic healing session from EdibleSpirit uses proprietary blends of essential oil sprays to call up and balance the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Ether in your energetic bodies. A soothing, grounding, spa-like treatment addresses whatever comes up while the balancing is occuring. The session may include: cord cutting, past life healing, and insight into practices that can support your self care and development after the session is over. NOTE: This session is most effectively done in-person.


Space Clearing/Entity Removal

2 hrs. minimum

A heavy-duty service for those who feel they have something less-than-ideal attached to them or the space they inhabit. Also known as “space healing”, whether it’s the space of your body, your home, or your place of work. It’s hard to know what will come up exactly, so these sessions are billed at a minimum of 2 hours and can only be done in person. Every session is the same: we assess the energetic points of strength and weakness in the body and/or space and then use various techniques to clear the undesirable energies. We also offer consultations on how to protect the space ongoing and can provide follow up services.


Custom U-Loop

minimum 48-hr turnaround

A channeled vocal loop of a name, to be used as a mantra that affirms and empowers. Each U-Loop uses your name, or the name of the person to whom you’d like to gift the service, as the basis of a one-of-a-kind harmonious melodious affirmation. The loops are 1-2 minutes long and are recorded to repeat 108 times. While they may not bring enlightenment by dis-identifying you from the ego, they should bring comfort, security and alignment here and now. All files are emailed via dropbox as digital mp3s.


A signature scented spray, custom blended using essential oils to invoke and support your ideal elemental balance. This service can be booked as an add-on to any of our other services, or as a service of its own, with a 10 minute consultation via phone or facetime.

Custom Aura Activator

$44 as an add-on
$144 as a stand-alone with a 10 minute consultation