Some Interviews

I am proud to know these people who are putting the pieces together in their own ways, lucky that they asked to interview me.

First are the soul-full queens - Stephanie Simbari and Elizabeth Kott, presiding over their new, noteworthy, #1 podcast "That's So Retrograde." They are so dang hilarious and are doing amazing work that is right in line with the EdibleSpirit ethos - showing us how to integrate the most out-there, spiritual, now-age stuff into our everyday lives through interviews with unique and amazing people. Forgive my over-communication and enjoy their whip-smart open-hearted infinite-seeking selves.

Next is a thoughtful, sensitive, gracious, and incisive writer named Robert Kuang. He's done some work with me as a healer but we also run in the same artistic circles in NYC. He interviewed me for his website Again, Mikey with the over-communication, but Robert has gorgeously organized our conversation into two parts. The first deals more with how my origins as a restaurant brat have collided with my life as a writer and healer. The second turns toward a discussion on mental illness and spiritual healing, as well as writers block, empowered truth and alignment with yourself. I think it's pretty badass.

Listen to Steph and Elizabeth interviewing me on Soundcloud HERE.
Subscribe to the That's So Retrograde podcast HERE.
Follow them on instagram and twitter @soretrograde.

Part I of the interview with Robert Kuang HERE
Part II of the interview HERE


Sensitivity, Service, and Some Psychic Stuff


Human Tools Be Like…