Elements of Spirit AIR Reading - 8.15-8.22

AIR READING - 8.15-8.22


COLORS TO POP: Khaki, beige, and butter yellow
CRYSTALS TO VIBE: Desert rose, clear quartz with rutile
OILS TO ANOINT: Spearmint, lime
SNACKS TO NOSH: Arnold palmers and mixed nuts
INSPIRATIONS TO INSPIRE: Sally Field as Norma Rae, holding her TRUTH HIGH, standing fully tall, inspiring her peers with a single word, UNION (and her entire being rallied behind her purpose).

THIS WEEK: There is energy entering the left hip. If you are feeling stressed and/or stagnant this should be a welcome force as it is a clarifying energy which helps you understand what you need to allow into your life in order to move forward with ease. DON'T GO CRAZY. You want to be as still and focused as possible, and let the natural effects of the environment clear your mind. Whatever you need or need to understand, LET IT COME TO YOU. We are still in the middle of the retrogrades, although Mercury goes direct on the 19th. In the three days before and after the 19th things should make more sense on their own, so don’t overwork or overthink. Put your energy into staying as still, as calm and as focused as possible. As time goes by this week the seemingly undesirable events transpiring are exactly the outer forces you need to back you into a corner of stillness and clarity which is the place where all of your power comes from. Things will get easier to accomplish and with a steadier pace and rhythm when Mars goes direct on the 26th.

Your best hope comes in the form of moving forward, generally and gently, until the winds of change clear your field of vision and steady your gait.


Elements of Spirit AIR Reading - 8.29-9.5


Elements of Spirit AIR Reading - 8.8-8.15