welcome to ediblespirit
where SPIRIT is served
EdibleSpirit offers a deliciously digestible approach to spiritual practice that combines self care, intuitive development and selfless service to inspire presence, peace and liberation within ourselves and in the world around us.
Founder (and former chef) Mikey Domitrovich left the restaurant business in 2010 to dive headlong into their work with EdibleSpirit - initially reading tarot and doing spiritual healings. In 2014, they began teaching classes in the esoteric arts, which led to the development of The EdibleSpirit Spectrum, the simple, functional model of spiritual practice that forms the backbone of this approach.
Here’s how it works:
remember your gifts
We offer a Menu of Sessions to support Self Care through Healing. EdibleSpirit uses a proprietary approach to spiritual healing (based on the EdibleSpirit Spectrum) called Human Divination™. Every session is designed to provide clarity and insight, cultivating balance and alignment in your life by connecting you with your truth and supporting the awakening of your spiritual gifts. Whether you’re getting a soul reading, energy clearing, spiritual healing or tarot spread, all of our services are opportunities to come fully into the present, orienting you on your path and empowering your sense of purpose.
As your gifts are revealed through a sustained self care/healing practice, spiritual Development becomes necessary to lovingly refine, sensitize, and stabilize those gifts in the face of life’s blessings and challenges. Starting in January, 2025 we are offering a weekly EdibleSpirit Meditation Class, and monthly, afternoon-long workshops in the Esoteric Arts to help you develop the gifts that arise through healing.
As your gifts develop and stabilize, a critical point is reached when you may feel compelled to express yourself more fully by using them in Service of others. EdibibleSpirit offers short term mentorships and long term apprenticeships to guide you in using your spiritual gifts safely and effectively. Starting in Spring, 2025 we will offer ongoing EdibleSpirit Circles in which a small group of applicants will meet regularly to build community and practice using their gifts. Stay tuned for unique Live events and a certification program later in the year.
This combination of Self Care/Healing, Self Love/Development, and Self Expression/Service is a complete approach to spiritual practice - designed to keep you in alignment with your soul, embodying your gifts and living your truth.
To support this process, we’ve created a custom notation system for all sessions, which lets us check in with where you were when we last worked together, as well a personalized practice page for you to have a clear sense of how best to follow up on what comes up in session.
Together, we’ll turn whatever life is serving you into something nourishing, meaningful, and utterly delicious.